This is a moving scene from the well-known Hollywood movie, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. But you may be surprised to hear the REAL reason behind Cameron Frye’s struggle to get out of bed that morning. I can tell you it had nothing to with him having a lump of coal wedged up his ass or anything ridiculous like that.
Now, Cameron’s father, Morris Frye, and I go back a long, long way, so I happen to know that Cameron’s teenage years were absolutely blighted by a terrible medical condition.
Some further lines were cut from the movie. Cameron’s sad song should go like this:
When Cameron was in Egypt’s land: Let my Cameron go
Erection so hard he could not stand, Let my Cameron go
Lay down, Cameron
Way down in Egypt’s land
Tell old Pharaoh
Let my Cameron go
Now, the idea of having a constant penile erection might be amusing to some people, but, for Cameron Frye, I can assure you it was no joke. At one point he even had to feign suicide through drowning in an attempt to conceal his angry spitting cobra from his best friend’s girlfriend, Sloane Peterson.
The “uptight” actions of young Cameron Frye become easily understandable once you appreciate the torment he was going through.
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